Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What is a Republican?

The Republican Party wins presidential elections when they successfully unite three groups:

1.    Fiscal conservatives.
2.    Social conservatives.
3.    Foreign policy conservatives.

I am shocked by recent movements within the GOP; some are actively trying to oust one or another of these groups from the winning coalition.

Recent attacks on this coalition started in 2007. Against the backdrop of the war weariness that had begun to set in, Congressman Ron Paul began a systematic effort to drive foreign policy conservatives out of the party. No one running for president, least of all John McCain, wanted more war. But Paul continuously attacked his primary opponents as being “pro-war” and began to divide the party. Paul wrapped his arguments in appeals for peace, philosophical jargon about Just War Theory, and endless name dropping about the separation of powers.

The funny thing is that, at face value, all these arguments are great. We all agree that peace is better than war. Although there are disagreements about details of Just War Theory, most agree with the concepts behind Just War principles. Finally, if there is an advocate for returning to a proper application of Constitutional law, I am their ally. But Paul used these winning arguments to attack a position that is not at odds with any of these principles. He worked relentlessly to tear down anyone advocating a traditional understanding of conservative foreign policy and insinuated that anyone with such views was unqualified to serve as president. This approach would disqualify even Ronald Reagan (and that shows a serious weakness in the position). Paul tried to persuade people that a conservative foreign policy is antagonistic towards peace, justice, and constitutionally. Not only is this not true, Paul’s efforts at spreading his belief also hurt the tripartite coalition that upholds the GOP.

The second attack on the coalition that I have seen recently is aimed against social conservatives. The argument: social issues distract from the “real issues” and Republicans need to come to a truce with the Democrats, holding off on social issues until the “real issues” are dealt with. This position was most openly advocated by Governor Mitch Daniels.

Daniels is neither as talkative nor as persistent as Paul. He hasn’t elaborated on the underpinning thought of his “truce”. This makes it hard to respond to his views in detail, but his willingness to drop the social issues entirely shows that he doesn’t value the unity of the coalition. The idea that the social conservatives should be quiet and go along with the fiscal conservatives without getting anything is an affront to all partnership.

The third attack is a small but growing (especially among Evangelical Youth) group that wants to break up the winning coalition by dropping the economic conservative branch of the Republican Party. They want to take George W. Bush’s “Compassionate Conservatism” to a new level. Their argument is still gelling, but it currently looks something like this: “We need to take care of people in our communities and the government is a way to do that.” Some argue that capitalism has failed and paying a little more in taxes isn’t all that bad. The bottomline is that those crazy Tea Party people are just greedy and maybe the Occupy Wall Street people are right after all.

All of these attacks on the coalition are falling into the same trap: each group thinks that they are the only ones who matter in the Republican Party and they insist on absolute purity in their candidates. Let’s look at Reagan again because both Paul and Daniels cite him as an inspiration: He believed in fighting Communism outside our borders and would have failed Ron Paul’s foreign policy test. He was pro-choice as Governor of California but became one of the strongest pro-life voices in America when he ran for president (during a severe economic crisis that was so bad fuel was strictly rationed). So much for Mitch Daniels’s “truce.”

Finally, Reagan was against government programs that tried to help people because the programs simply didn’t work. He promoted the phrase: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'” Yet his economic reforms set a new record for the longest peacetime economic expansion. This cut unemployment in half, helping the poor by allowing them to work - consistent with the principle of teaching a man to fish instead of just giving him a fish. And Americans’ standard of living increased 20% while Reagan was in office, showing that sound economics results in helping people better than any government program ever has. When the whole coalition works in harmony, as they did with Reagan, spectacular things happen.

I don’t agree with every plank in the Republican platform and hope that some things will be changed in the next 5 years. But the fact is, if we want to win, we need to stand together and not act like a bunch of hooligans fighting over a life raft. If we throw each other off the raft no one will be left to paddle us all to shore. But if we work together, we can not only survive but all make it home to a huge dinner that we can all enjoy. 

Post by Jeremiah Lorrig


  1. So pragmatic. Perhaps the movement from the evangelical youth is based in an actual, genuine conviction that "Compassionate Conservatism Plus" is the way to go. Politics do much better over all when we stand on principles over partisanship.

    I wonder whether the 3 point fusionism advocated in this article 1). actually accurately represents a decent chunk of the Republican party, 2). is viable as a political platform post-Cold War.

    1. I'm sure that many in the evangelical youth "Compassionate Conservatism Plus" movement have good intentions. However, the issue is not IF we should be reaching out to those in need, but rather WHO should be the one to reach out. Should 'father government' be taking money from us and donating it to those who they deem worthy (which often are not the ones in true need)? Or is it local communities, churches, and charity organizations (or even individuals) that should be doing this?

      It all comes down to JURISDICTION, and I believe (in keeping with biblical principles, as well as the Constitution of America) that it is not the JURISDICTION of government to be involved in such issues.

      If young people truly have the best interest of the poor around them in mind, there are plenty of other ways to go about helping them. Government is not the answer to every problem that arises in our nation.

    2. Good word! I, however, would point out that even if the jurisdiction wasn't there the fact is that we have mountains of evidence that the government programs do not work well. If you want something that works, then go to the free market.

      Yes, I am rather pragmatic about it. Why? Because I want to see real people helped.

    3. Oh, absolutely! The evidence is overwhelming! However, if we give Obama just 4 more years, he promises to fix all that.. :-) :-)

  2. A Republican is someone who seeks to use a party for practical or philosophical goals, or someone so caught up in the party that he starts to see it as an end in itself. A conservative is someone who holds some variant on a political ideology.

    Most Republicans (and Democrats, and independents, but not most libertarians or socialists) have an underdeveloped political ideology. Because of this, the party platform, or some alternative platform, becomes their ideology. These platforms are a kludge - something thrown together that doesn't quite fit.

    Most conservatives would do well to learn what true conservatism is. Most of those who claim the name don't realize it doesn't fit them well.

  3. Jeremiah,
    Can you explain exactly what a conservative foreign policy is, and when it originated? Today the water is somewhat muddied. Ron Paul claims to agree with Bush's foreign policy pre-9/11, and many people today view Obama's foreign policies as similar to Bush's post-9/11 policies.

  4. Excellent. I say we have pizza for that dinner :D

  5. By the way Derby, a Republican can also be someone who is strongly conservative, and who knows that the best way to advance conservatism is to elect as many people who are as conservative as possible, and to work together with them.

    A true conservative is smart enough to know that to get anything accomplished, he must work together with people who aren't as conservative as himself. Accordingly, he works with a party that of course is not perfect but is the best method for accomplishing as much good as possible.

    It is wonderful to stand on principle, but that doesn't mean that you alienate everyone who would otherwise work with you, just because they don't agree with you on everything.

  6. GK, certainly, I think I allowed for that sort of Republican in my definitions.

    However, it seems that, like government itself, the party machines aggregate the well-intended efforts of millions of individuals, producing positive results in certain times on certain issues, but ultimately resulting in a larger, more powerful system opposed to those who serve it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Jeremiah, I love how you pointed out the error of big government in the guise of 'charity': "Their argument is still gelling, but it currently looks something like this: 'We need to take care of people in our communities and the government is a way to do that.'”

    To some of the others who are commenting on this post, I'm sure that many in the evangelical youth "Compassionate Conservatism Plus" movement have good intentions. However, the issue is not IF we should be reaching out to those in need, but rather WHO should be the one to reach out. Should 'father government' be taking money from us and donating it to those who they deem worthy (which often are not the ones in true need)? Or is it local communities, churches, and charity organizations (or even individuals) that should be doing this?

    It all comes down to JURISDICTION, and I believe (in keeping with biblical principles, as well as the Constitution of America) that it is not the JURISDICTION of government to be involved in such issues.

    If young people truly have the best interest of the poor around them in mind, there are plenty of other ways to go about helping them. Government is not the answer to every problem that arises in our nation.


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