Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CNN Debate: Best Yet

My take:

  • Romney: attacked on all sides and I think it will remind people to stay away. 
  • Perry: attacked and showed his weaknesses but also showed that he'll take on Romney
  • Cain: Still struggling to show depth of content, but didn't collapse if he survives the week he'll stay near the top.
  • Santorum: Shows substance, but also fails to win support
  • Gingrich: Same as Santorum
  • Bachmann: Love that she brought every question back to Obama, but don't think it was her break
  • Paul: Made the people who already love him love him more.

    Who do you think won?

    -Jeremiah Lorrig 


  1. I'm still voting for the esteemed Reverend Al Sharpton.

  2. Andrew, you are very persistent. Maybe someday I'll see the light.

  3. I'm looking forward to the coming weeks. Cain has shown that people will reward real policy ideas with real interest. Now that Perry is apparently coming out with a flat tax plan, two of the three top tier candidates will be pushing bold, radical tax plans vs Romney stuck in the status quo which they will paint as black as possible.

    I don't know if Perry and Cain will ally vs Romney on taxes, but it will certainly create a divide and possibly set up a fight over what the Republican base wants in terms of tax reform. Nobody saw this as a possibility even a few months ago. Suffice to say, I am waiting to see if this comes to fruition or not.


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