Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Choice is Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum: VOTE for Rick.

The bottom line is that this election is big. We cannot afford another four years of Obama. I don't mean this in some kind of motivational, metaphysical, or moral sense. I mean that when the headlines are that Obama has introduced another budget with a trillion dollar shortfall we cannot afford it. There is no money in the bank.

I have been sitting on the sidelines and doing my homework trying to decide who I support for President. My mind was made up this last week at CPAC.

CPAC is one of the largest gatherings of conservatives in the county. We heard from the three front runners as well as a great line-up of other speakers. I saw old friends, spoke with national leaders, and renewed my NRA membership.

The focus, of course, was the state of our nation and what we as conservatives need to do to get the U.S. back on track. Marco Rubio inspired, Sarah Palin stunned, John Bolton exhorted, and Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum made their case why we should support them for president.

This is where I stood walking into the conference: I would happily vote for Mitt and Rick, and I would unhappily vote for Newt.

All three made great speeches. But because of what I heard, I have chosen Rick Santorum over Mitt Romney.

One thing that Mitt said in his speech that very much concerned me was that he was “severely conservative” as governor of Massachusetts. Romeny has said that he would be a “conservative” president. If Romneycare and Gay Pride are “severely conservative” what would a merely “conservative” Romney presidency look like?

I am not writing this to bash Romney, I would still vote for him in a heartbeat if he makes a comeback and defeats Santorum for the nomination.

I would like to give you some reasons why you should:
  1. Vote for Rick
  2. “Like” Rick on facebook
First, no one is perfect, however, Rick Santorum has a very strong record as a conservative.
  1. Rick Santorum has been one of the staunchest leaders in the pro-life movement accomplishing more than any other single law maker for the pro-life cause.
  2. Rick Santorum has a very consistent record of cutting taxes and voting against tax increases.
  3. Rick Santorum has a strong understanding (likely from his Senate experience) of the realities and dangers of imprudent American foreign policy.
Not only is he a leader on conservative issues, but Rick Santorum also is a man of character. He is a homeschool father of seven who believes passionately that children are a blessing, including his daughter who suffers from a genetic illness. In fact, last time I saw Rick, his voice trembled when he talked about how he was glad to have her even if it is only for a little while (please send up a prayer for her if you think about it).

Further, Rick Santorum is going to surround himself with the right kind of people. I know some of the people who will be working in the White House if he is elected. They are even more honorable and solid than he is. They will remind him of priorities, write his policies, and advise him not only on policies, but also in areas of character.

One last thing, at CPAC I talked with a Pennsylvanian who I asked what Santorum's greatest weaknesses were when he left the Senate. This person told me that Rick was “arrogant and shrill” on issues. I was shocked and encouraged because just moments before I was in a closed door meeting with Rick Santorum and someone candidly asked him what the number one thing was that he learned from that loss. Rick's answer: “I was arrogant and shrill.”

Rick is a man who can learn from his mistakes. He is a man of character. He is a man who can go toe-to-toe with Obama and show real world problems with Obamacare and how it impacts real people.

I endorse Rick Santorum and encourage you to support him as well.

-Jeremiah Lorrig
Editor's note: the authors of this blog were divided between Santorum and Romney. Click here to see the case for Romney.


  1. Jeremiah Lorrig, you said "no one is perfect, vote for Rick Santorum". And yet you denegrate Romney.

    Romney has said that the healthcare program they passed in Massachusetts is for that state, and not necessarily any other. He has also said he will reverse Obamacare. I take him at his word.

    Furthermore, his stances in Massachusetts were in part such, because that is what one has to do to get elected there.

    Obama strongly would prefer to face Santorum than Romney. Romney is well organized. Santorum is merely stringing along. He can't stand up to Obama's well-oiled political machine. Romney could beat Obama!

    Don't you want the country turned around? Romney is the ONLY candidate with the executive experience that demonstrates he can turn things around.

  2. Anonymous,

    I am not anti-Romney. I was wavering back and forth between Romney and Santorum and CPAC helped me choose. I think Mitt brings a lot to the table, but over all I think that Rick Santorum is the better candidate.

  3. I, on the other hand, am supporting Romney over Santorum. Which means the blog authorship is split.

    Expect a post explaining my position in the next couple days.

    1. I shook hands with Rick Santorum a week ago. He is honest, caring, and humble. He is very intelligent, well-spoken, confident, and a family man. Rick is open to the power of prayer, and as pastors have gathered to pray for him, so he is now moving ahead in polls. I am definitely voting for Santorum. If you see him in person, you will have no doubt that he should be the next president of the United State. This country's freedoms are in jeopardy. A vote for Santorum, is a vote to keep our precious hard-fought for freedoms, and will move us ahead to be a great nation once again.
      Trish Thomsen

  4. Rick Santorum is the best candidate we have had since Abraham Lincoln. I am EXCITED to see such an honest, truthful, GOOD man with VALUES - I mean real, honest-to-goodness Christian VALUES run for the presidency. I thought that we would never get anyone but a moderate for office. Then I heard Rick speak. Here is a man who KNOWS the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Here is a man who will defend the unborn and the sanctity of marriage; a man who will drill for oil; a man who will lower our taxes; a man who will protect and defend our country and our country's allies against radical Islam extremists. Read about his foreign policy! He is dead right on EVERYTHING! We could not ask for a better, more wholesome candidate for our presidency! Rick will rule with a faith in God, and he will limit the intrusion of government in our lives. We pick Rick!


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