Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday miscellaneous (6/22)

A 15 year old from Maryland may have just revolutionized cancer diagnosis.

Michigan Right to Life just endorsed Fred Upton, a candidate with a track record of pro-abortion votes.

And speaking of Michigan, it’s a weird state. Republicans control all levels of state government, yet we have two Democratic Senators and are pretty locked in the blue column when it comes to presidential elections. At least, that’s how it has been. Romney thinks he has a chance here.

Last week President Obama announced that he’s halting deportations of children who entered the country as minors. NRO & Heritage are claiming Constitutional violations. Paul Mirengroff at PowerLine has a more balanced take. Personally, while I admit it flexes executive power, I’m supportive of the result. There is something unjust about deporting people to a country they can’t remember based on the paperwork violations of their parents years ago. The ball is now in Congress’ court to do something about it. Anybody think they will?

This week a committee of the House of Representatives has been holding hearings about Attorney General Eric Holder. Heritage has a nice overview of the issue. I’m thinking that President Obama needs to take a lesson from President Nixon and fire people instead of trying to aid a potential cover up.

Justin Taylor reviews Andrew Ferguson's review of two new books on President Obama. I know that sounds complicated, but both reviews (Taylor’s and Ferguson’s) are worth reading. Here’s an excerpt:

I was most interested in his thoughts on Klein’s book, since it seems to be especially popular among conservatives. Some conservatives never criticize fellow conservatives, and of course liberals do the same with those in their own camp. Ferguson models a good example, in my opinion, of being an ideologue without being unduly partisan. He’s a thinker, not a hack. In other words, he is an equal opportunity offender against bad writing and thinking.

I find Ferguson’s perspective here refreshing and instructive. When we think about “reading books critically,” we often think about applying this to books that we are predisposed to find problematic. But as long as we are not pragmatists and utilitarians, we will care about the truth—not only in its conclusions but also in how one gets there.

We break from our normal political updates to give you the inspiring story of Ann Romney’s battle with MS.

Here’s a story about an abandoned subway station in New York. Stories like this make me wonder how many underground structures there are under our cities that are entirely forgotten.

And finally, here’s a solution to the country’s energy problems.

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