Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Unintended Consequences of the Modesty Movement

So how do a man and a woman get together? This is an old question that has no definitive answer. The Bible puts it this way, "Proverbs 30:18-19 "There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand. The way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a young woman."

Now since Solomon is held as the author of Proverbs, and he had 1000 wives according to the Old Testament, this is an interesting statement coming from him. He was a man of 1000 conquests, yet even he did not have an understanding of the romantic workings of men and women. Now I believe this to be because he understood that his conquests were likely only possible because he was king, and he likely never had the experience of having to pursue a woman as a normal man. He also does not give advice to his son, other than some words about enjoying the wife of your youth, but this is likely because he deals largely with the importance of fidelity; he has little advice toward the process.

Yet, this is not a complicated process. I think our perception of the normal process, the instinctive one we all experience in one way or another, goes something like this.

Men: man sees attractive woman. Man thinks, I want her. Man woos her in some way, and if she agrees, they consummate.

Women: woman meets man she likes. Woman presents herself to is man in a way she thinks he will like. Man woos her. Woman loves it. They consummate.

I contend that this is the way the genders perceive their ideal "perfect" coupling. Women are generally hostile to the male approach unless they "liked him first" in some way, and men don't like to think they are pursuing a woman for any other reason than that they found her attractive. Yet we have put obstacles in this path since the beginning of civilization.

First, godly and godless civilizations alike adopted marriage as a social institution. We can debate and disagree on the reason why, but it is clear that there was a sense that this romantic notion and its sexual attributes needed to be controlled and confined.

Again, we will skip by the whys and the hows, and just accept that this is so.

The other obstacles are social and vary by culture, but again, the idea is that sexual attraction alone is not a wise basis for a sexual relationship.

This itself is an interesting notion. An evolutionary understanding might suggest that this is a fallacy, and that sexual relationships should not be governed by anything other than desire. As a Christian, the only explanation I have for this is that the fall of man in Genesis 3 "damaged" the sex drive, taking something that was supposed to foster attraction and loyalty between two life partners into something completely open that could in fact destroy such a relationship. While believe this makes sense, I have no evidence to support this, and so it is just speculation.

But if we accept this idea, then all the obstacles we have placed in the way of our own sexuality is an attempt to recapture something of that original, monogamous state. This could explain the problems and contradictions involved; we are forced to work within a system that fundamentally doesn't work.

We get a hint of this in the teachings of Jesus when he says,"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." This was a great departure from the understanding of the time. The Jews believed that adultery was a crime, and that coveting your neighbor's wife was forbidden, but single women, in that day taking the form of a prostitute, were largely considered fair game. Jesus was not claiming to add to the law, but to point out the hypocrisy of the Jews. He was in effect saying, "you think you can skirt the law by doing x, y and z, but I say if you even think these thoughts are just as guilty as the adulterer." He follows this with a rather difficult statement, "If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."

This passage is the basis for the "modesty movement" in the American Evangelical Church. While 1 Peter 3 is really the passage that addresses female modesty, the discussion more often turns toward the Matthew passage and the issue of lust for men than the actual issue of female modesty. Christian women, particularly young women, are concerned with "not causing a brother to stumble." This has had a (somewhat unintended) consequence of encouraging young Christian women to look unattractive, as the assumption becomes out of necessity "if I look good to a man I am causing him to stumble." This may be true in a way. However I do not think the language is correct. For what one man stumbles at another may not, so is it fair to place the blame on the woman? I do not think so, unless she is intentionally attempting to entice that man sexually. On the other hand, is that not the essence of wooing? You see this idea can strip a woman of her main tool in the quest to find herself a man. This is where the flaw in the system comes into play. In the effort to avoid sin, we can throw the baby out with the bath water.

Is this what Jesus calls us to do when he says "if your hand causes you to stumble cut it off?" I would be tempted to think so, except that in the history of Christianity no one to my knowledge has actually done this. I admit this may be a slight logical leap, but I am going to take it. I do not believe that Jesus was instructing us to cut out our lustful eyes or sinful hands, but to come to the understanding that salvation through compliance to a moral law is not possible. That every male in that audience, upon hearing that statement, gulped, and saw themselves as an adulterer. To what end? To demonstrate our need, as a species, for salvation through the grace of God, and through no act of our own. A salvation that can redeem our nature, including our sexuality.

What does this say to the modesty movement? It says that its heart is in the right place, but not to be diverted into thinking it can conquer male lust by simply covering up skin. What it can do is make good, Christian women unattractive to Christian men, which means those men stay unmarried longer, which means delaying the only state in which those men can deal with their sexuality in a holy and God honoring way, and in that way, putting a different kind of stumbling block in their path. We have tried to come up with a lot of trite definitions about what lust is and is not so we can claim to be skirting around it in our lives. Rules like "looking once is natural but looking twice is sin," or "noticing is ok but thinking about it later is not." These are man made distinctions. Is there a distinction between noticing a woman's beauty and lusting after her? Yes. Is it externally quantifiable? No. No amount of clothing can protect us from this sin. Because this sin is not some external force trying to fight its way in, it is already inside of us. It is us. The only thing that can save us is that grace that Jesus bought for us at great price.

To women, as a man, I say this, don't fear your sexuality, understand it. Understand what it can drive you to do, understand it's purpose. Lots of preachers out there are calling for the church to address this topic more openly. I think we will see this in our lifetime, and Christian youth of tomorrow will be better equipped to handle this than we were. Until then, be discerning, and do not act in fear.


  1. Great post! I wish more people would realize how far overboard we've gone with the modesty movement. It isn't healthy for either sex.

  2. Thanks for posting this, Daniel. Definitely a subject the church does not address in a profitable manner – we tend to ignore the sexual dimension of marriage all together, when in reality it’s an exciting and profound part of marriage. Just as a way of offering a different perspective (as a girl and as a married person), I hope you don’t mind if I bring a few points to the table.

    First of all, I don’t believe that it’s incongruous for a woman to be modest and yet attractive. Some women do not make that effort. But I know many women who take care to follow the generally accepted definitions of modesty (no really short or tight skirts, cleavage showing, etc.) and yet are beautiful and stylish.

    Also, I feel like there are some problems with saying that a girl’s main way of winning a man is showing off her physical desirableness. That might be a good basis for winning a boyfriend. But not a husband. Perhaps the most important and sustaining elements of a relationship are friendship, trust, mutual understanding and a sense of God’s direction. When God established marriage, he did not tell Eve that her purpose was to turn Adam on and give him a way to vent his pent up sexuality. She was to be his helpmeet – a deeper term that implies union of purpose, spirituality, friendship and body. I agree with you in that the church often ignores the significance of sexuality in marriage or the legitimacy of sexual attraction prior to marriage. But I'm not sure that making sexuality the basis of marital choice and downplaying the role of modesty is the solution.

    Most of the books and talks I’ve ever heard on modesty do address 1 Peter’s directive more than Matthew’s. In fact, the Matthew passage seems to be directed at men more than women. But a responsible woman will, I believe, take into account that while she is showing off her body as a means of attracting a husband, she will also be showing off her body to plenty of men who already are husbands but still possess the same turning on switches.

    First Peter’s directives call women not to care most about their physical attractiveness (though that is of importance) but about the condition of their spirit (that it be quiet and gentle – which to me seems to suggest a modesty of spirit that does not seek to attract attention to oneself but to God). No, a woman cannot nor should not make it her responsibility to prevent all men from having lustful thoughts. But neither should a woman be careless about the effects her appearance will have on the men around her. In all things, we are to make Christ first, not attracting a desirable man. Once married, sexual attraction will have no problem at all unleashing itself. The idea that sexuality is the basis of marriage is something of a modern invention – and one that leaves many people unwilling to commit and disillusioned when the hard work of a lifetime commitment sets in.

    Sorry for such a long response!! - Kristen.

  3. Hm, you do challenge some or my assumptions, so I'll briefly explain how I arrived at those assumptions. I think you draw a false dichotomy between winning a boyfriend and winning a husband, you say that once married sexual attraction will have no problem unleashing itself. That is a false assumption. Many marriages are sexually dead, and many men and women fear entering into a marriage that will be so. I am glad that your marriage is not plagued by this, but I will contend it is because sexual attraction was apart of the process that brought you together. one needs a boyfriend before one can have a husband. A man needs to be interested in pursuing a meaningful relationship with a woman, and I contend the main initiating force (and should be, by design), sexual. I do understand that men and women view sexuality and it's prominence slightly differently, but since men are traditionally tasked with the initiation of a serious romantic relationship (even if egged on by a woman) what motivates us becomes the prime mover, and that is unquestionably sexuality.

    I believe all of the other benefits of relational intimacy cn be had in some fashion outside of marriage (at least for a man) while being quite moral and appropriate. I draw the gender distinction only because women seem to connote a level of emotional intimacy in marriage that would seem inappropriate in another context, if had with a man. Even so, I think women who have close friends have something like this. In any case, I feel hesitant to try to elaborate on that too much because I am not a woman, but I can say with confidence that for men the sexuality is the intimacy that is unique to the relationship.

    Now after the initial, sexual attraction, if the relationship is to lead to marriage it will need to involve other aspects of human relationships, or it will wither and die. But if there is no sexual attraction the man will not initiate the relationship. Now sexual attraction can be based on anything, such as good character, but it is still in nature sexual.

  4. So if a single woman is more concerned with preventing married men from stumbling to the point she insures she is not sexualy desirable, then a single man will not find her desirable either, because he cannot read her mind, and sees a woman intentionally trying to be undesirable, and thus not interested. Modesty and dress is about communication. What is being communicated about the person in how they dress. A woman should not communicate that she is a whore through her clothes. But if she looks frigid, we will conclude she is frigid.

    Also, using Adam and Eve's marriage as an example is disingenuous. We can safely assume Adam had no "pent up sexuality" prior to the fall as everything was in balance and we can assume all needs were met. After the fall, helping a man deal with his pent up sexuality is a way a wife can help her husband and mitigate some of the trouble that comes from living in a sinful world. All those married men who I guess are staring at these single women should be focusing on their wives, and I put that on them.

    An older lady from my church commented on a facebook link, rightly pointing out that Peter says do not "merely" be adorned outwardly. Outward adornment is not to be shunned. In fact, wanting to look pretty is ingrained in the female nature, and I want to see it encouraged, not crushed in the church. As a married woman, I encourage you to be mindful of the plight of the single, disillusioned,having not found a companion, and we are looking for answers to these hard questions that no longer are of major concern to your immediate life. Not all women posses the outer beauty you possess naturally, without much enhancement, so for them, the issue of making themselves look beautiful is the difference between where they are and having a husband like you. The fact is, there are some good Christian women who are not being pursued by good Christian men because of the choices they make about their appearance and what that says about how they view men. We need to help them.

  5. Thanks for the response, Daniel. Hehe, I think we both could write a couple books on the subject. And it’s nice to be able to disagree with someone without them taking it too personally! Thanks!

    I think we have some fundamental differences of opinion – like whether or not modesty = frigidity. I don’t think real modesty does anything to stifle beauty. Looking frumpy does. But those are different, I think.

    (And I definitely didn’t mean to draw a dichotomy between a boyfriend and a husband. One of necessity precedes the other. But my point was that the criterion for finding a lifetime mate is different than what the average person looks for in what is generally consider a casual relationship like dating).

    At any rate, thanks for the opinions and a healthy disagreement! Hopefully Kirk and I can see you soon!

  6. Based on a quick skimming here, I'm inclined to agree with Kristen that real modest behavior can be quite attractive (or at least it is to me, as one of the single men you seem to be talking about). On the other hand, setting modesty against beauty is clearly a problem; and it definitely happens, and does harm women.

    Technical point: Proverbs 30 is attributed, within the text itself, to a chap named Agur. See 30:1. Presumably this extends to the entire chapter?

    Exegetical point: in the context of 1 Peter, the purpose for instructions on women's adornment is clearly evangelistic -- so that others (specifically their husbands) will be won to Christ and to the Gospel. The apostle -- and the Holy Spirit -- evidently thought that modest and submissive behavior would help attract husbands to view their wives' Christian faith favorably.

    Not sure what bearing that has on your argument, one way or another. Just making an exegetical note. :-)


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