Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday update

My apologies for not putting up a Friday miscellaneous post yesterday. I spent the entire week as co-instructor of a moot court program for high school students and was not able to keep up on outside news stories. I hope to resume the series next week.

In the meantime, here's the example of what not to do that we played for our students.


  1. LOL! I remember watching this video before. "Well, you can be disturbed on your own time. Why are you intruding on mine?" "Well..because I want you to be disturbed too." Thanks for sharing, Nicholas!

  2. "Well...I have nothing else to say. Good luck!"

  3. Mom said that she met you on Friday. She liked what you had to say about us all being in court and Jesus being our defense lawyer. Thanks for teaching!


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